miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008


Si estáis atentos a esta página, tal vez el día anterior al examen aparezca algún item de cada pregunta aquí expuesto (son unos 2 puntos).

1º ESO B or C
1) Circle the correct option
Are/is Tom and Eric at home?
2) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be
Fernanda and Lourdes __________ Spanish
3) Complete with question words
______ are Joanne and Anna? In the library
4) Complete with in, on or at
The meeting is ________ 2 o'clock
5) Complete with a, an or possessive adjectives
I'm _____ nes student and this is _____ best friend.
6) Write the time in letters
Break is at __________________ (11:00)
7) Read the text and choose the correct answer
This is an e-mail/ a letter
8) Write true answers about you
What's your name? ___________________
8) True or False?
They like Paris
9) Complete a chart with your information
10) Complete a letter according to a model
2º ESO B
1) Circle the correct verb:
What time do/does it start?
2) Complete the sentence using the present simple
They _________ (come) from Portugal
3) Answer the questions using often, usually, sometimes, hardly ever or never. Are you ever late for school?
4) Circle the correct option
You can do/play football after lessons
5) Put the words in order to write sentences
school/ after/ you/ What/ do/ do ?
6) Complete the dialogue using the phrases in the box _____________________ on Saturdays?
7) Put the dialogue in the correct order
8) Read the article and choose the correct answer: "Ian Thorpe is a famous Australian..." This is about a) Australian swimmers b) an Australian swimmer
9) Answer the questions: Where is he from? Does he like lots of sports?
10) Use some information to complete a text
Alan _______________ at _______________ (4:00 / get up)